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Knee Score Form

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1. How would you describe the pain you usually have in your knee?*
2. Have you had any trouble washing and drying yourself (all over) because of your knee?**
3. Have you had any trouble getting in and out of the car or using public transport because of your knee? (With or without a stick)*
4. For how long are you able to walk before the pain in your knee becomes s eve re? (With or without a stick)*
5. After a meal (sat at a table), how painful has it been for you to stand up from a chair because of your knee?*
6. Have you been limping when walking, because of your knee?*
7. Could you kneel down and get up again afterwards?*
8. Are you troubled by pain in your knee at night in bed?*
9. How much has pain from your knee interfered with your usual work? (including housework)*
10. Have you felt that your knee might suddenly give away or let you down?*
11. Could you do household shopping on your own?*
12. Could you walk down a flight of stairs?*

Grading for the Oxford Knee Score

Score 0 to 19
May indicate severe knee arthritis. It is highly likely that you may well require some form of surgical intervention, contact your family physician for a consult with an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Score 20 to 29
May indicate moderate to severe knee arthritis. See your family physician for an assessment and x-ray. Consider a consult with an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Score 30 to 39
May indicate mild to moderate knee arthritis. Consider seeing your family physician for an assessment and possible x-ray. You may benefit from non-surgical treatment, such as exercise, weight loss, and /or anti-inflammatory medication
Score 40 to 48
May indicate satisfactory joint function. May not require any formal treatment.

Remember, these interpretations can slightly vary based on different factors, including your overall health and the specifics of your knee condition. Your Oxford Knee Score is a valuable tool for understanding your current knee health from your perspective. It helps in making informed decisions about your treatment options, monitoring progress over time, and evaluating the effectiveness of any knee treatments or surgeries you might undergo.

For a personalised approach and to discuss your treatment options, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can offer guidance tailored to your specific situation, taking into account your score and other important health factors.

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